One thing you can do to help us, help others and help yourself at the same time is to join our ‘Coffee Crusade’!
Join our team as a ‘Brand Partner’, enjoy the flavor and health benefits of our PureCafe premium coffee and promote it to others. You could generate a nice extra income or, if you take it seriously you could create a nice retirement plan for yourself and all the while it will be helping contribute to the cause of PCF!!
What could be more beneficial than that?
To be a Brand Partner only requires a $49 registration and you’re in business with your own website, back office, presentations and more! We’ll work with you to achieve the success we all deserve!
Explore the possibilities here at coffeewithmark.biz
Share our site with others. You have a ton of contacts in your phone and email account. Send them a short message with our site link. It might be something like this:
Hey Julie! I just found a group that’s making a real difference in this world. I’d like to encourage you to go to their website and just browse for a minute or two to be aware of their efforts and then just do as the spirit moves you. Sharing the link with other contacts on your list would be greatly appreciated! Here’s the site https://pcfpanama.org
Introduce PCF to your church pastor with the idea that we can help them as much as they might be able to help us! See the ‘Drink Coffee’ and ‘Share Profits’ pages for fundraising ideas.
Thank you for your interest and support!