Animal Rescue

Animals are God’s gift to man. They are intelligent, loving, sentient and often suffering creatures who are expressly appreciative of those who love them and help them. They give love unconditionally and for this there really is no greater gift.
The conditions in Venezuela for animals are absolutely horrific. Pet owners leave the country on foot by the thousands every day and leave their pets behind, often tied to a tree or left locked in a house to die. There are no words.
The lucky ones get out onto the street to scrounge for life subsistence in garbage dumps or whatever they can find. Some wander into other homeowners properties and get attacked and assaulted with sticks or even machetes and the result is unspeakable suffering.
We work with a vet in one location who will work on credit or even for free if we can provide him with supplies and medicine. This is a high priority for us.
Our man Alex (above) has built a facility to accommodate about 40 loving creatures which he feeds and cares for, but it’s maxed out and we continue to help those on the street.
It’s hard to find homes for adoptions because few people have the means to support another mouth to feed. We are finding loving homes with the understanding that we’ll continue to help provide what’s needed i.e. food and care. This is our mission.
Please help! The need is urgent and critical!
Our videos tell the story.